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compression factorの例文


  • Now we have to think about the compression factor.
  • Performance-wise, without compression factors, asymmetric TCP acceleration is capable of offering the same level of improvement as the symmetric ones.
  • "It's just a massive amount of metal debris and wires and there's not many big pieces of dust because of the compression factor ."
  • The compression factor of the fusion fuel and its adiabatic compression energy determined the minimal energy required for the sparkplug to counteract the compression of the fusion fuel and the tamper s momentum.
  • The original page is scanned in a resolution of 1728 pixels / line and 1145 lines / page ( for Huffman code optimized for written text, achieving average compression factors of around 20.
  • The assumption here which needs to be made to realize shruti distances as per the compression factors are calculated for all the 34 " length of the string . 18 frets are required to reach up to the end note Ni of the saptak in both the instruments.
  • The often-used compression factor of 2 : 1 is optimistic and generally only achievable for text data; a more realistic factor for a file system is 1.3 : 1 to 1.5 : 1, although drive compression applied to pre-compressed data can actually make the written data larger than having compression turned off in the tape drive.
  • Of course, this may not apply in practice, since the " compression level " setting used by paint programs does not generally map in any obvious way to the underlying compression parameters  it's quite possible that paint programs will deliberately adjust compression factor for greyscale images to compensate for the lack of color information .  talk ) 20 : 13, 10 June 2006 ( UTC)